Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 110: Helping Strangers

I wrote a little bit about the Boston Marathon bombing earlier in the week but I wanted to write a little more about the topic. I always find it amazing how united the country becomes when something like this happens.  Since the bombing on Monday the  country has been glued to their tv and have done so much to support the communities and victims affected by the Boston Marathon bombing.  After the second suspect was brought in to custody last night, it was amazing to watch the coverage of all the people celebrating in the streets. It just goes to show that, although this country can be very divided sometimes, when it comes down to it we are all here for each other.  

I came across a story about a couple who were both severely hurt in the bombing.  To try and help cover some of the medical bills and out of pocket costs some of their friends set up a donation page.  Currently they have raised $531,089! For my act of kindness today, I will be adding to that number. This is just one more example of how united we are.  To raise that amount of money in five days from primarily strangers is amazing!  I have never been more proud to be an American.  If you would like to learn more about this couple story or donate, just click on the following link. 

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