Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 88: Cheer for Intentional Walks

I am a big baseball fan.  With the season starting on Sunday I thought it would be fun to do something that revolved around the sport.  A coworker of mine brought a charity called "The Cure Baseball" to my attention this week. The Cure Baseball is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing financial, emotional and moral support to people and families affected by cancer through a traveling summer collegiate baseball team, support group programs and donations to prestigious cancer research groups affiliated with college and university medical centers.

A cool fundraising effort that this organization is doing is called "The Intentional Walks Campaign." Basically it is a campaign where they are looking for people to donate a small amount for every intentional walk this MLB season. So today, for my act of kindness, I donated 1 cent per intentional walk.  Last year, there were about 1100 total in the season.  Normally, I just get annoyed with intentional walks, however this year, I know that every time one happens, money (both mine and a lot of other people's) will be going to a great cause.  And that is something I can cheer for.

If you would like to learn more about this organization, click on the following link:

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